Make content that stands out

Create custom photography and videos
with 3D models of all the latest electronic devices
in a virtual studio.

Samsung Galaxy

Designing with Studio

Create custom product shots for your
marketing material!

Rotate and position one or multiple devices anywhere in your frame.
Import, layer and position your logo, texts and backgrounds.
Select any of the 4,000 readily available 3D models.

Get inspired

Create your own product videos and GIFs!

Create eye-catching motion to illustrate your product from any angle.
Use different color backgrounds to match any of the 4,000 devices available.
export the video in the format you need!

Get inspired

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… why Studio 3D?

Vidar Hekkelstrand | Telenor Sweeden

We use Studio to enhance UX on our website and tactical display and ads.

Melody Xu | Vodafone Ziggo

I choose a device and in a few clicks I change colors and angles and just export a PNG.  I quickly download the file and add it to any other tool I work with.

Rein Krijgsman | Vodafone Ziggo

I create banners and often need devices that are not available in many angles if at all but Studio always has them.


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